Friday, October 15, 2010

jotted it down...

mencari redha manusia itu banyaknya memenatkan dan menyakitkan tapi mencari redha Tuhan itu pula tiada lain selain memberi kebaikan dan lebih menenangkan jiwamu

keep me in the right track ya Allah......

we're gonna end up sorry for ourselves and begging for another chance coz we wasted the chances that we had.......ingat kita hidup 2 alam..........

it's not like chipsmore but it's more like Nanny Mc stays when you don't want it around but it'll dissappear to nowhere once you start to love it........

Monday, August 30, 2010

simple sentences in tausug

ak mo makan- maya' ak kumaun....
sapa tu?- siu yan??
ak suka cuci baju- ak maya' ak magdakdak...
ak mo solat- maya' ak sembahyang....
namamu sapa?-siu ngan mu??
ak suka ba sama ko-mabaya' ba ak kaimu...hehe
santek ba kau ni- malingkat sab kau ni r...hehe
bila ko balik sandakan?- bila kau muik pa sandakan?
ko mo pigi mana?-pakain kau?
lapar ba- mahapdi ba ni ak...
kenyang suda..- *
mo tidur- maya' ak matug...

sambung nnt mo enrich kn dulu my tausug..hehe

simple sentences in tausug

kata nama dlm tausug....

org tua-tau' maas

sweet moments wif him....2...

aku mengasihi bapaku..i called my father pak....seorang bapa yang lembut dan penyayang...ya Allah it's along time i hvent say the words.... i won't had him enough by my side...he never beat us but it's not a bad thing to do because we' re turned to be ok and he had his way to get through to us....when i was kid,i used to imagine things like hantu when night everytime i scared i used to sleep by my father side....we loved spent time with our father..and it's not just me who loved to sleep near my sis too..hehe...even if he went to memukat....i loved to come along but my father usually dont let me because my lil sis always bother to come i had this idea with my father...i sneaked out and hid under the pukat so my lil sis did't see me...and that would make her think that it's fair if my father didn't took us both to the boat took off and kira2x da smpai safe distance i would get out and enjoyed the rest of the day with my father...hehe...but at last she knew it and do the same things me...huhu...we enjoyed things back my father pulled the pukat and checked if any fish there,i would follow right behind him holding 'besen' for the fishes.Once i slipped a fish from my hand and the fish went back to the 'air masin' father didn't scold me ,but told jokes that i had lost one fish that could be mine later for dinner...i laughed and i really love it when he tell jokes...another funny thing is my father would never allowed me to get off the boat if only i bring my slippers....and it is really hard to pujuk my pak if i forgot bring ones...But there is one time ,my father,my brother,me and my sister went together and it was raining back was raining during the time we pulled the pukat....and it was beautiful moments...ya Allah....i miss him....doa untuk mu pak...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

polishing my tausug..haha

ok...kita start dkt dapur dlu r...dsebabkn kakak2x ak selalu kutuk ak pnya poor ugly ak kena improve la...huhu..

pinggan-pinggan(sama jua)
set pinggan mamngkuk-kaka unan
cawan-sawan(bkn sawan babi plk)
sudip memasak-susunu'

Wednesday, February 17, 2010